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30 b4 30 or Die Trying

I usually keep my birthday a secret. The reason is that in the past, it's been something that I've hyped, and no one has remembered. Eventually, I stopped answering people when they asked. It wasn't until I had talked to a group of people and found out someone's birthday was the day before mine. I guess I got a little too excited so I blurted out mine shortly afterwards. Then I lost count and ended up telling several others.

Then, it became the series of giveaways I did on my Instagram. I like giving stuff away and lowkey pride myself in working hard to give the best gifts. That's all besides the fact that what I'm really getting at is that I just turned 29. It's not as painful as I thought it would be, mostly because people still tell me I look 22. But it's because I've done a lot for my age that I'm proud of.

In true Gabby fashion that's not being real to myself. I didn't just coast into the last year in my 20s like a normal person. I usually freak out and cry not this time, This time I made a list. I believe you're supposed to read things when they're meant to be read. So when I came about this post by Plan Another Day, I knew I had to do it.

She came up with a list of her own personal 30 before 30 that reflected her and who she was to become as a woman in her 30s. I saw that, took the same concept, translated it, and wrote it down.

So here's my list: 30 b4 30. Some are inspired by other ongoing projects, like my having dinner with 30 different people. I found Rob's project, Robs10kfriends, on Instagram. While I was curious about it. I knew I could replicate it on a smaller scale with 30 people (who knows I might make it bigger). Others are just things I need to do to be a better person.

  1. Create a signature cocktail.

  2. Get a tattoo

  3. Read 30 books

  4. Win something

  5. Express gratitude more often

  6. Learn after effects

  7. Write a letter to me to be opened in 10 years.

  8. Be more mindful

  9. Say yes to everything for one day

  10. Sit and have 30 meals with 30 strangers.

  11. Do a 30-day challenge every month.

  12. Apply to that thing.

  13. Perform a spoken word poem.

  14. Love with reckless abandon.

  15. Become closer to God.

  16. Bake a soufflé

  17. Learn basic French

  18. Go to my first Spurs game

  19. Start and launch my project

  20. Watch the winners of Best Picture since 1989.

  21. Write at least 100 words a day

  22. Give back to my community

  23. Just listen for one whole day

  24. Learn to be in the moment

  25. Go to a missions/ flying chanclas game

  26. Go sky diving

  27. Run a 5k

  28. Try a pisco sour

  29. Keep a plant alive for a year

  30. Get published in saveur or bon appetit.

Here’s to 29! I hope you’re the year I’ve been waiting for. If not, I’ll help you make it the best year yet. If you want to help or participate, send me a message and let’s talk!